Spiders for the web

a very special guest


She asked the woman for the name of her Spider and soon found herself in the tattoo parlor, nervously waiting for the moment it wil bite. When it was finally her turn, she felt a thrill of excitement when she showed me the spider

The tattoo itself is a beautiful reminder of the spider she keeps as a pet. It is a never-ending design that is meant to represent the never-ending experience of having a curios but loving pet I think it turned out beautifully and I know she loves it.

Once in lifetime experience

I'm an experienced tattoo artist with over 10 years of experience and never have i had a woman come in with her pet spider. This is just a reglular day in the office for us tattoo artists

New Tattoo Pens

Our new sponsor CNC Tattoo Supplies Signed up an new contract with us at HardXcore, We are so happy to be working for such a wonderful company,

Why I became a tattoo artist

from a very young age, i've always been interested in tattooing. my mother was a tattoo artist and she would often bring her work home with her. i would watch her set up her station and i was fascinated by the entire process. as i grew older, my interest in tattooing only increased.

Design By Poul Albert

My customer came to me wanting a new tattoo design that was inspired by her love of life and fun. I knew exactly what she was looking for and set to work creating a design that would be a reminder to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment.